Fair Trade Educational Workshop


April 23, 2024

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Event Location

Fair Trade Market

1321 N. 15th St. Waco TX

Fair Trade Educational Workshop

Equip & Engage

Two major components of Mission Waco's Mission Statement are to EQUIP & to ENGAGE. Through engagement, we hope to mobilize the middle class Americans to become more compassionately involved among the poor and to better understand systemic issues within our own community and abroad. This semester, we will be hosting 2 workshops focused on Christian community development principles in order to offer educational opportunities for the community to learn about systemic issues in our own backyard.

Fair Trade Educational Workshop

This "Fair Trade Educational Workshop" will focus on the principles of fair trade and ethical shopping. We want to inform people on the concerns of buying fast fashion and the ethical reasoning for buying fair trade to ensure artisans are paid a livable wage up front and that they have ethical work standards. Our Fair Trade Market, features unique gift items from around the world - jewelry, handbags, picture frames, home decorations, home goods and much more. Purchasing these items ensure that individuals are provided a livable wage. Join us to learn more about the impact of Fair Trade!

Light refreshments will be provided!


The workshop will be held at the Fair Trade market. Please sign up ahead of time if you would like to attend so we can communicate accordingly! You can register here!

**Please note it will say to "sign up as a volunteer", but this is a simple way for us to track who is planning to come!**