Renewable Energy & Agricultural Project
Loving our Neighbor by Loving our Earth
Environmental degradation impacts us all, but it has a disproportionate impact on the poor, whether it be air pollution, contaminated water, or readily-available nutritious food. Our community therefore cannot separate how we treat the environment from how we treat our sisters and brothers beside us and around the world. Urban REAP exists to create a more sustainable future by providing our community with positive actions that help care for our creation as well as our neighbors. By participating in our four initiatives, you can help create a cleaner, healthier, and more empowered community for everyone.
Our Initiatives
Food waste is a big deal – about 25% of everything that goes to the landfill is food. Urban REAP’s composting program offers an alternative that turns food waste into nutrient-dense fertilizer that grows healthier plants and helps repair soils. In 2023 we composted over 28,000lbs of food waste!
Bring by your food waste during our open hours and we will compost it for free! Or subscribe to our Bucket Program for a bucket, 24/7 drop-off access, and subscriber discounts. We have two bucket options – Compost Classic Green Bucket for traditional composting, and Compost Plus Blue Bucket for the option to include meat and dairy.
Urban REAP provides both grade school programming and informal workshop opportunities for students of all ages. Children, teens, and adults alike can benefit from our educational programs by learning about our planet, our natural resources, and practical skills such as gardening and composting in engaging and interactive ways. We serve McLennan County (and beyond) by creating curriculum and videos to grapple with issues ranging from environmental stewardship and justice to how to keep your garden pest-free.
Garden Center
Urban REAP’s neighborhood of Brook Oaks, as well as McLennan County at large, has a thriving gardening community that we want to support and grow. Our Garden Center offers accessible, reasonably-priced gardening and composting supplies to encourage sustainability practices at home.
Aquaponics is a method of agriculture that is used to grow plants in water that has been used to also cultivate fish – in latin it is literally to put fish to work! As fish eat and produce waste or ammonia, helpful bacteria convert the waste into nutrient-rich fertilizer to support plant growth. Urban REAP grows herbs and produce that we sell to local restaurants and to Jubilee Food Market to feed our local community.
1509 N. 15th Street
Waco, TX 76707