Ministering to Members in Low Budget Motels/Hotels Workshop


April 19, 2023

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Location

Mission World

628 N.15th Street Waco TX

Ministering to Members in Low Budget Motels/Hotels Workshop

A major component of Mission Waco's Mission Statement is to ENGAGE. Through engagement, we hope to mobilize the middle class Americans to become more compassionately involved among the poor. This semester, we will be hosting workshops focused on Christian community development principles in order to offer educational opportunities for the community to learn about systemic issues in our own backyard.

This workshop led by Paul Fields & Cindy FInley will focus on how a church ministers to homeless and marginalized, mentally unstable, and folks experiencing addiction. We will focus on how we locate, become friends with, learn each persons situation. We hope to better understand why they are where they are at, or their story and begin to help in anyway possible. Light refreshments will be served.

Location: Mission World & Training Center (628. N. 15th Street Waco, TX 76707)

For questions, please reach out to Bailie Rouse at [email protected].

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