April 22, 2021
In the wise words of Martin Luther King Jr., “Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”
The Mission Waco Legal Assistance Program (MWLAP) was founded in 2012 to help remove legal barriers by providing access to affordable legal services for those who are unable to afford a private attorney. MWLAP has since served over 1,000 individuals and families through direct legal advocacy and free monthly legal advice clinics. Client advocates help connect applicants to other necessary social services and support the community in the creation of lasting solutions to systemic problems.
MWLAP exists to provide affordable, compassionate, holistic and community-driven legal services to low-income, moderate-income and marginalized individuals, families and communities in order to promote an increased quality of life for all people.
We offer the following services:
Please note: Making and keeping an appointment does not guarantee legal representation or acceptance of your case. We charge minimal fees for most of our services. However, no one will be denied services based on an inability to pay. Please DO NOT let lack of finances keep you from contacting our office with questions about our services.
Compelled by the teachings and love of Jesus Christ, Mission Waco Legal Assistance Program serves, advocates for, and empowers people in need regardless of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation or national origin.
Please call Spencer Smith, Lead Volunteer at (254) 753-4900 extension 321 to discuss our legal services.
MWLAP is located at the Meyer Center. Learn more about the Meyer Center's other programs here.
1226 Washington Avenue
Waco, Texas 76707