The Chain of Empowerment Starts Here
The world is full of business-minded, creative women who simply don’t have the financial resources or industry knowledge to get started. Additional limitations include limited access to loans and high-interest rates, making it nearly impossible to pay back what loans are available.
When women are empowered, they initiate business. When women are in business, they bring home profit and invest in savings. Profit feeds and educates their children, while savings gives them a cushion for medical resources when needed.
In 2011, Mission Waco Mission World recognized a significant opportunity to help relieve women in Haiti of their impoverished situations — some of whom were living on $2.41 or less per day — and founded the Global Microcredit Loan Program. By training and providing these women with valuable skills to generate an income, we offer a low-interest loan for their pre-existent business, teach them financial literacy, and create a network of business owners pursuing a similar goal.
At the end of the two-year program, when the loan is paid in full, participants have the opportunity to open an Individual Development Account (IDA). The interest collected regenerates brand new loans, making this program sustainable, wide-reaching and prosperous.
Ten years since its inception, the Global Microcredit Loan Program empowers over 100 women annually, directly impacting 200 family members while indirectly influencing approximately 1,500 community members in four separate communities.
Mission Waco Mission World’s microcredit empowers women and their families to rise through dignified education. As St. Augustine once said, “Charity is not a substitute for justice withheld.” Will you partner with us in continuing to support, enable and empower these gifted women to work productively to provide for their families? Click here to donate to the Microcredit Loan Program by designating your gift for Mission World!